10 habits make your skin better

In order to make skin better, beautiful girls always rack their brains to use all kinds of methods. In the life actually, want to be able to nurturance the following few good habits only, the skin can ameliorate slowly.

  1. Drink more water

One of the criteria for healthy skin is a high water content. It’s not that drinking more water means your skin has more water in it, but if the amount of water consumed is too low and results in dehydration, your skin can become less elastic, dry and brown.

2.Eat more fruits and vegetables

Eating more fruits and vegetables can ensure balanced nutrition and maintain normal body function. Antioxidants such as vitamin C and vitamin E rich in this kind of food can play a positive role in whitening and tender skin.You may be interested in a healthy diet: Fruit diets to lose weight, is it feasible?

  1. Wash your face carefully

Wash your face carefully, clean your face with cleanser twice a day, and then rinse with water 10 to 20 times.

However, be careful not to over-clean your face, which can damage your skin barrier.

good habits make your skin better
good habits make you beauty
  1. Moisturize

After cleansing, moisturize immediately.

If it is oily skin, oil control and moisturizing should be carried out simultaneously in order to maintain the barrier function of the skin.

If your skin feels dry, use a moisturizing spray and apply it immediately after, otherwise evaporation will dry .

  1. Don’t squeeze

Squeeze acne easy to cause local infection, also easy to make acne marks and acne pits.

In particular, it should be noted that the acne around the nose and mouth should not be squeezed, otherwise the infection after extrusion may cause intracranial venous sinusitis.

  1. Wear sunscreen

Sunscreen needs to be applied frequently, thickly and frequently to be effective.

According to the daily work and rest and the rule of going out, as appropriate 3 ~ 5 hours to repair a wipe.

  1. Wear a hat and mask when necessary

Physical cover can also play a very good role in sunscreen. At the same time, hat and mask cover can also protect the skin and reduce exposure to allergens and other harmful substances in the air.

  1. Don’t stay up late

Our bodies produce hormones in response to sunset and sunrise. Staying up late disrupts the body clock, and even if you make up the sleep time after staying up late, you can’t completely compensate for the damage done to your skin.

  1. Decompress properly

Mental stress, if too great, can really lead to a series of skin problems.

  1. Keep moving

The heat effect after sports sweating has the same effect as the heat effect in medical beauty treatment. If you choose outdoor activities, be sure to pay attention to sun protection.

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