Coffee and weight loss,What is there relationship?

Many people have a deep fascination with coffee. I heard that drinking coffee can lose weight? What is the relationship between coffee and weight loss?
Coffee to lose weight, is it true? · There are some ” weight loss coffee ” Can I buy them?

Can coffee lose weight?

Improving basal metabolism

There are many articles demonstrating that coffee increases basal metabolic rate by 3% – 11% in humans, probably through mechanisms that stimulate epinephrine secretion. To know,
basal metabolism accounts for 60% – 70% of the calories consumed throughout the day; Having elevated basal metabolism means that lying down for sleep also makes it easier to thin.

Impedes carbohydrate absorption

In addition, chlorogenic acid in coffee can hinder carbohydrate absorption from foods with up to 6.9% efficiency. Well, in fact, it’s equivalent to eating less than two servings of rice per ton.

Promotes lipolysis

Coffee acts on the sympathetic nervous system and can signal to adipocytes to start breaking down fatty acids. Is it sound good and bad? But this trial only asked 10 volunteers, and the statistics were not particularly representative.

coffee and weight loss
coffee and weight loss

If you want to lose weight using coffee,you need to pay attention to these:

1.Coffee works better in lean people

Coffee seems to have a greater preference for lean people, as lipolysis due to elevated metabolism is 29% in lean people and only 10% in obese people.

2.Suitable for coffee before exercise

Exercise for people who lose weight, drinking a cup of coffee before exercise may be a good choice. Because caffeine improves a person’s ability to perform harder movements during exercise, as well as staying longer, it makes it possible to consume more calories.

3.Poor effectiveness in long-term coffee drinkers

these utilities are few in long-term coffee drinkers and only meaningful for occasional coffee drinkers.

4.Weight loss to drink black coffee

Most importantly, the references to coffee in the findings here are unsweetened, creamed Black / clear coffee, not Mocha, caramel marchimulti.
Of course, if coffee plus milk, like Canadian iron, cappuccino, limits the whole day when energy is appropriate, it doesn’t affect weight loss, but instead supplements good quality protein and calcium.

5.Far from the ” laxative coffee “

Many beauty salons on the market have additionally used coffee to lose weight, purporting to “” purge a hangover “” for weight loss. This again was a false way of discouraging the masses to lose weight.
First, there is no fatalistic sign on the human body. Second, even with constipation, defecation with coffee added with a laxative is bad for the body

Coffee extract

Coffee acts on the cortical layers of the central nervous system and can improve wakefulness, attention, and association, thus reducing some feelings of fatigue.
When people do not rest for a long period of time, adenosine, the byproduct of brain activity, accumulates in the body, binding to its receptors in the brain and turning on the fatigue sense emission gun.
While coffee can also compete with adenosine for these receptor binding, equivalent to occluding a portion of the gunshot, so it reduces some fatigue and can last 4-6 hours. The amount of adenosine, however, was not reduced and was merely felt by the decoy body.
Moreover, the urge to talk and the desire to talk were soft promoted after coffee consumption. As said in one advertisement, drinking to have a pleasant chat makes little sense.

The best time to drink coffee, in terms of office workers:

Early morning, or just arrived at the office after a premature meal;
After lunch, a busy part of the work horizon in the afternoon was ready to unfold.
Coffee at this time, is exempt from drowsiness that is commonplace after meals and is continued for 3-4 hours. And every effort should be made to drink little or no coffee in the afternoon to evening.

How much coffee a day is appropriate?

Coffee is good, drinking more can cause sleep disturbance, arrhythmia, migraine and other adverse effects. The dose to say toxicity aside, though, is juggling.
According to the study, an intake of 100-200 mg caffeine per day is sufficient for lift; Up to 300-400 mg caffeine will not cause adverse effects.
The dose of caffeine intoxication is 10 g, that is, to drink 50 large cups (Grande) of coffee at once, believing that the general population doesn’t do it. You can also convert to the following on your own:
One cup of 8 oz (237 ml, about a regular paper cup) in coffee containing 100 mg caffeine;
Medium cup (tall) 12 oz with approximately 150 mg caffeine;
Large cup (Grande) 16 oz with approximately 200 mg caffeine;
Extra large cup (venti) 20 oz with approximately 250 mg caffeine;
The Italian enriched (espresso) zone 1 oz contained 75 mg caffeine.

Pregnant women and breastfeeding can consume coffee in moderation

Coffee addicted women, who were asked to have to abstain from coffee during pregnancy, were distressing. Actually, pregnant women and milk mothers can also drink coffee. According to the American Association of obstetric gynecologists, 200 mg caffeine per day is not expected to interfere with fetal development. The amount of caffeine in the milk is also not enough for the infant’s brain to start responding.
There are also long-term large human epidemiological studies that suggest that moderate amounts of coffee consumed by pregnant women and dairy mothers do not leave children growth retarded.

Caffeine restriction in children and adolescents

It does, however, not all people have good access to coffee. For example, in children under 12 years of age, caffeine can affect their sleep and thus hinder brain development.
Besides coffee, one should also avoid other caffeinated beverages such as cola and tea. Adolescents aged 13-18 years enjoy 100 mg caffeine daily.

Other benefits of coffee

There are still many benefits to consuming coffee in moderation, such as the prevention of type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, liver cirrhosis and so on. At the same time, those who love coffee, also have somewhat lower cardiovascular morbidity, and drinking coffee does not elevate the incidence of hypertension. Individuals with type 2 diabetes also have increased sensitivity to insulin after coffee consumption.

There are also some more interesting findings:

Coffee consolidates long-term memory: The Johns Hopkins group found that coffee consumption was instrumental in the rate of forgetfulness over a 24-hour period, and thus possibly in the consolidation of long-term memory.
Coffee dissolves: Dr. Michael Oshinsky at the University of Philadelphia found, in animal experiments, that pain killers such as coffee + aspirin or ibuprofen, which break down ethanol directly, had an antidotal effect.
Coffee grounds elevate blood bad cholesterol: Dr. rob dam at Harvard Medical School recommends that it’s best to filter out the coffee grounds while boiling coffee, something that has the potential to raise the concentration of bad cholesterol LDL in the blood.

More tips on weight loss just here: 8 tips you must know about weight loss

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