Good fats for weight loss

What is good fats for weight loss ?The human brain is 60% fat, fat is an essential nutrient for the human body, does not eat fat to lose weight, will lose nutrient content, is more likely to rebound and enter a plateau phase, severely, is prone to overeating.

Fats are also divided into good and poor quality fats, which are good quality fats and are the Good fats for weight loss.

Saturated fatty acids

【 saturated fatty acids 】, fatty acids that do not contain double bonds are called saturated fatty acids. Such fatty acids are found mostly in the fat of animals such as cattle, sheep, pigs, and so on as is understood in the sense that the major fatty acids of all animal oils are saturated fatty acids, with the exception of fish oil.

Besides that, all of the few plants such as coconut oil, cocoa oil, palm oil, etc., also contain more of these fatty acids.

[saturated fatty acids] have a bad reputation, mainly due to the fact that it is ingested in too high amounts, leading to increased blood cholesterol, triacylglycerols, LDL-C, secondary to narrowing of the arterial lumen, atherogenesis, and increased risk of coronary heart disease.

Briefly, 【 saturated fatty acids 】 eat much of the scurvy to the body cannot be seen lightly and easily cause the three heights.

There are some studies that argue that some saturated fatty acids have potential physiological effects on the human body, and in the absence of such (saturated) fatty acids, the body is unable to perform its normal physiological functions.

For example, butyrate – a short chain saturated fatty acid that is genetically regulated and functions against cancer.

Such as lauric acid – is thought to have both antiviral and antibacterial properties.

So it’s good to say the adequate intake of the saturated fatty acids.

Good fats for weight loss
Good fats for weight loss

Unsaturated fatty acids

【 unsaturated fatty acids 】, simply stated to contain unsaturated bonds (mainly double bonds) in the structure, specifically also divided into “” monounsaturated fatty acids “” (with 1 unsaturated bond) and “” polyunsaturated fatty acids “” (with multiple unsaturation and construction).

Food sources:

  1. Vegetables: garlic, onion, Allium, cauliflower, leek, ginger, radish, tomatoes, melon, kelp, vetch. Various mushrooms.
  2. Soybeans and soy products.
  3. Fish: a variety of marine fish.
  4. Fruits: pomegranate, canola, hawthorn, oranges.
  5. Milks: yogurt.
  6. Others: pycnoides, oats, flowers, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, walnuts, tea.
  7. Oils: tea oil, olive oil, canola oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, soybean oil, flax oil, peanut oil, sesame oil, palm oil, safflower oil, etc. (basically all extracted from oil plants.)

Unsaturated fatty acids do a lot!

  1. Regulation of blood lipids

It can soften blood vessels, control blood lipid concentration, and reduce cholesterol, which can prevent cardiovascular disease and improve endocrinology. Is able to alleviate high blood lipids leading to hypertension, arteriosclerosis, heart disease, cerebral thrombosis, stroke and other diseases.

  1. Clean up thrombus

Be able to mitigate and eliminate the harm to the human body of animal fat (mainly from saturated fatty acids) inside the food, inhibit atherosclerosis, and enhance the elasticity and resilience of blood vessels. To reduce blood viscosity and improve the oxygen carrying capacity of RBCs.

  1. Immune modulation

EPA and DHA supplementation can enhance the body’s immunity and improve the ability of the autoimmune system to outcompete cancer cells.

  1. Maintaining the retina and improving vision

Adequate DHA supplementation is helpful for activated fading retinal cells and has therapeutic effects on diseases such as tiredness caused by excessive eye use, aged eye flowers, blurred vision, glaucoma and cataract.

  1. Bunao jiancephaly

DHA supplementation can promote full brain cell development, delay mental decline, amnesia and prevent Alzheimer’s disease (Alzheimer’s disease), etc.

  1. Beauty raising and aging resistance

The content of unsaturated fatty acids is the closest to that of human skin fat and contains squalene, antioxidant substances and vitamins A, D, e, which are rapidly absorbed by the skin, deeply nourish and condition the skin, remove fine wrinkles and prevent skin ageing. Girls can eat more.This are good fats for weight loss.

Trans fatty acids

[trans fatty acids] is the collective term for all unsaturated fatty acids that contain a trans double bond.

Everyday life, there are lots of foods containing trans fatty acids, and cakes, pastries, cookies, bread, salad dressings, French fries, French fries, popcorn, chocolate, ice cream, yolk pie, candy… All are soft and sweet, and the taste unique foods contain vegetable cream, margarine, etc., all contain trans fatty acids.

The reason is that trans fatty acids are also generated at the same time during catalytic hydrogenation to fat with vegetable oils.

Disadvantages of trans fatty acids

Can cause the following diseases:

  1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  2. Diabetes
  3. Cancer, leading to breast, colon, prostate and other diseases
  4. Obesity
  5. Osteoporosis
  6. Increased odds of infertility
  7. Contribute to brain functional decline


Food packaging general food labels list ingredients such as those known as “” cocoa butter “”, “” vegetable butter “”, “” margarine “”, “” mcgew “”, “” hydrogenated vegetable oil “”, “” partially hydrogenated vegetable oil “”, “” hydrogenated fat “”, “” hydrogenated rape “”, “” hydrogenated palm “”, “” solid rape “”, “” shortening “”, “” artificial shortening “”, “” Snowy cream “”, “” shortening “” which may all contain trans fatty acids.

So whatever the oil, the least thing you should eat is trans fatty acids, which are human hazards! The Bad fats for weight loss. Please correct your diet

Good fats for weight loss

coconut oil

Coconut oil is extremely high in saturated fat and low in monounsaturated fat and contains a small amount of polyunsaturated fat. Large quantities are consumed for a long time, with great disadvantages for cholesterol and cardiovascular. Nevertheless, its benefits lie in the potential for improved bowel, skin care hair protection, and stature preservation.

During weight loss, it can be consumed appropriately, it is easily absorbed by the human body, improves metabolism, and is not easy to cause fat hoarding.

Olive oil

Olive oil contains more than 80% unsaturated fatty acids, of which more than 70% are monounsaturated fatty acids. Olive oil has been recognized as the king of health and protects the cardiovascular system against hypertension, heart disease, kidney failure, and many others.

Refined olive oil is thermally more resistant than virgin olive oil and is more suitable for high-temperature frying; The virgin olive oil is not suitable for heating because it is not refined,

Flax seed oil

It is rich in crude protein, fat, amino acids, essential amino acids up to 5.0 16%, in flaxseed oil α- The content of linolenic acid is 53%, and it has antitumor, antithrombotic, hypolipidemic, nourishes brain cells, and regulates autonomic nerves and other effects. Also contains VE, which has senescence retarding and antioxidant properties.

This unsaturated fatty acid is metabolized from saturated fatty acids, can be hypolipidemic, and can aid in healthy weight loss.

fish oil

The major components of the oil are the vascular scavenger EPA in omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, and brain gold DHA. Are very healthy oils and have a high intake of deep sea fish oil and a low risk of developing heart disease, depression, and dementia as well as various common diseases.

Fish with higher fat content include species like salmon, trout, mackerel, sardines, and herring, which are rich in omega-3, high-quality protein, and various important nutrients that are beneficial for heart health.


Polyunsaturated fatty acid intake during weight loss,

Second, the process of weight loss eat less saturated fatty acids, such as lard, tallow, amnion, butter.

And there’s to eschew trans fatty acids, which are fattening. If you’re thinking about getting fat, it’s okay to try.

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