How much protein should we need a day?

Protein intake is different for everyone, so how do we know how much protein we need in a day.
The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) is the minimum intake you need to stay healthy. It is 0.8 g (0.36 g / lb) per kilogram of body weight per day and 46 g for ordinary women. This is only equivalent to 10% of daily calories. If you don’t exercise much, that may be enough. If you eat in a Western way, you will achieve your goal effortlessly.

To get your personal protein “RDA”, multiply 0.36 by your weight (pounds). (for a sedentary, 150 pound woman, that’s 54 grams.) If you eat more protein in your old age, it can help you lose weight and maintain your strength.
According to the latest data from the national health and Nutrition Examination Survey, American women have consumed about 68 grams of food a day., Expert Dariush Mozaffarian said: “there is no need to get extra protein.” “Just eat all kinds of fish, nuts, beans, seeds and dairy products, including yogurt.”

How much protein should we need a day
balanced diet

If you exercise regularly

For example, take at least 35 to 40 minutes of moderate exercise four or five days a week, including resistance training twice or more a week. Nutrition professors say they consume 1.2 to 2 grams of dietary protein per kilogram of body weight per day (or about 0.5 to 0.9 grams per pound). This amount is best for rebuilding muscle tissue, especially when you do a lot of high-intensity exercise.

If you want to lose weight

Protein takes longer to digest than carbohydrates, which can make you feel full. It can also promote the body to secrete a hormone and reduce hunger. “When it accounts for about 30% of your daily calories, you will naturally eat less,” experts said “It will reduce your appetite and help you control your appetite.”

Research makes it clear that while you lose fat, protein can help you retain more muscle. While limiting calorie intake, increase the protein content to 1.8 to 2 grams per kilogram (about 0.8 to 0.9 grams per pound) every day to avoid muscle loss. Reduce the intake of refined carbohydrates to balance the extra calories generated by the addition of protein.

If you’re middle-aged

As you get older, eating more protein can help you maintain muscle and prevent osteoporosis, “so you can stay stronger and more functional.” adults over the age of 50 can better rebuild and retain muscle after just four days compared with the control group who ate RDA, RDA intake is about twice that of RDA .

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