How to Choose skin care products

There are many kinds of skin care products with different effects and different prices. Do you know how to choose skin care products.

How to choose clean products

Choose clean face milk we should notice clean composition, because we wash a face when not long, what does the skin absorb without time

Generally speaking, there are several cleansing products:

  1. Saponified products

Such saponified products are used for Sodium strain; NaOH) and animal and vegetable fats.

This kind of product has strong cleaning power and feels drier after washing, suitable for oily skin.

  1. Surface active products

This refers to the direct addition of some surfactants produced by the product, this type of product used in the main cleaning ingredients are very many, for example, some of the more common ingredients:

General type:

Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate; Sodium Lauryl Sulphate

Amino acid type:

Sodium Cocoyl Alaninate, Potassium Cocoyl Glycinate, Sodium Cocoyl Glycinate, Sodium Lauroyl Glutamate

Types of natural plant origin:

Lauryl Glucoside, Decyl Glucoside

These types of surfactants do not harm the cuticle. At the same time, the skin will feel moist and smooth after washing, so it is more suitable for dry skin, sensitive skin and problem skin.

  1. Synthetic and saponified products

This refers to products that combine surfactants with saponified soaps so that the common cleaning ingredients cited in both items are present in the formulation.

Such formula design can have relaxed feeling after saponification product is washed, also won’t have slippery to blunt not clean feeling.

How to Choose skin care products
How to Choose skin care products

How to choose face cream

  1. There is no need to differentiate between day and night creams

Cosmetics are not subtle enough to distinguish between day and night.

Of course, if it is sunscreen products, it is because of the need to protect the skin during the day, avoid being damaged by ultraviolet rays in the sun, so it is used in the daytime goods.

Some products contain organic acids, will accelerate the skin keratin metabolism, the use of this kind of product, the skin will be fragile, easy to be stimulated, but also easy to be hurt by ultraviolet light, this kind of product is not suitable for daytime use, so as not to produce serious adverse reactions.

Moisturizing or anti-aging products don’t need to be so detailed.

  1. Face cream can replace eye cream

When used as a moisturizer, face cream can basically replace eye cream. There may be some difference in sense of use, but there is no difference in efficacy.

If you have a specific need (like getting rid of dark circles under your eyes), keep an eye out for the ingredients (like caffeine) and make specific purchases.

How to choose sunscreen products

  1. Look at these indicators for sunscreen

Read the SPF and Broad Spectrum to get UVA protection. At the same time, if you need Water and sweat resistant products, you should see Broad Spectrum Water resistant or Broad Spectrum Very Water resistant

  1. Select an appropriate SPF

If you are not allergic to chemical sunscreens, we recommend using sunscreen

With physical sunscreen, to achieve all-round protection.

SPF and PA values are not the higher the better.

SPF 15 blocks 93.3% of UVB rays, SPF30 blocks 96.7%, and SPF 50 only increases UVB protection to 98%

In theory, the higher the SPF and PA, the more chemical sunscreen you have to add, and the higher the risk.

How to choose a facial mask

A mask boasts 15 to 30 milliliters of essence, but they are not necessarily the active ingredients.

Choose protect wet face film so ok, other function does not have too big effect

Skin care products do not have to choose expensive, do not have to be more. Just fit your needs

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