The Ultimate Triathlete Diet Guide

There’s no doubt that you’re familiar with all three triathlons: swimming, cycling, and running. But there’s a fourth principle that athletes often overlook, and that’s nutrition. An optimal triathlon nutrition plan can be the difference between a PR and a disturbing end. Learn Ultimate triathlete diet for your best performance.

Your Daily Triathlon Diet

While nutrition on race day is important, what you eat outside of the game will often have the biggest impact on your health and performance. By focusing on a healthy daily diet, you can help your body maximize training to fit and recover throughout the season.

The Ultimate Triathlete Diet of a nutritious triathlete is not much different from the standard healthy eating recommendations. But you should expect to eat more in the high season and less in the off-season to cope with changes in energy output.

You can divide your Triathlon diet plan into three basic pillars. These concepts may sound easier in theory than in practice, but sticking with them will do you well.

  1. Eat high-quality meals and snacks, mostly natural foods.
  2. Enjoy a meal once in a while, but don’t overcompense your workout. (In other words, don’t rationalize the reason for eating a whole set of cookies because you’re stepping on the sidewalk — but it’s certainly okay to take a cookie or two.) )
  3. Maintain a healthy weight while shaping your body and exercising for swimming, cycling and running.

Monitor Your Macros

All three macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) play an important role in the Ultimate Triathlete Diet. There are no strict regulations on the exact amount of each macronutrient that the body needs. It will vary depending on your genes, training regimen, and any medical conditions you may have.

Carbohydrates are your body’s main source of energy, protein supports muscle repair and recovery, and fat enhances satiety and promotes overall health.


Typically a person consumes 45 to 65 percent of calories, or about 3 to 12 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight. However, for a person who participates in triathlon, even though the percentage may be correct, you should expect to consume 8 to 12 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight per day. As the intensity and duration of training increases, you may consume close to 12 grams per kilogram of body weight.

Simple carbohydrates like bananas should be consumed at least 30 minutes before a workout. During strenuous exercise that lasts more than 60-90 minutes, try to absorb carbohydrates quickly, such as gels that replenish electrolytes. For longer periods of exercise, you can expect to consume 30 to 60 grams of carbohydrates in electrolytes and liquid solutions every hour on the day of training and activity.


When training, the goal is 2 grams per kilogram of body weight. Time is important. Since your body can’t store protein, you should consume protein every 3-4 hours of the day, preferably within 2 hours after your workout. In the evening, it is recommended to consume 30-40 grams of casein.


The goal is 20 to 35 percent calories. Fat is important for nerve function, organ protection, and is a source of fatty acids. But if performance and reaching a new personal optimal time is crucial, then a high-fat, low-carb diet will slow you down. When training, the calories left over from the carbohydrates and proteins needed are fat.

Most triathletes will perform well using these recommended ranges. If you’re curious about the macros and the contrast between these numbers, try tracking your food for a few days through a website or mobile app. If your range is very different from these, adjust your Ultimate Triathlete Diet and see if changing them better supports your training.

Achieving Balance

It seems simple – if you consume all the calories in your workouts, then the weight should be gone, right? Unfortunately, many triathletes find the balance moving in the opposite direction. One of the most common causes is an increased appetite.

Have you ever been hungry for hours after a long run? Will your inner cookie monster appear after you work out? If so, you’re probably familiar with this phenomenon.

Interestingly, most scientific studies have shown that exercise alone actually suppresses, rather than increases, hunger hormones. However, it’s unclear what effect this will have on endurance athletes who consistently train every day. Interestingly, training hunger is a real concern for many athletes.

On the other hand, some athletes are afraid of weight gain and are perpetually short of energy. At the very least, this can lead to poor training adaptability. In the worst case scenario, it can be harmful to your health.

More worryingly, athletes with persistent lack of energy are at risk of developing red-s (relative lack of energy in sports). This mismatch between dietary intake and energy expenditure can lead to complications such as menstrual dysfunction, poor immune system health, weak bones, muscle loss, and more.

There’s definitely a careful balance between supporting your training and supporting a healthy weight. However, this can be achieved through a Ultimate Triathlete Diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats.

With nutritious options, you can satisfy both your hunger and your training program.

Ultimate triathlete diet for your best performance
Ultimate triathlete diet for your best performance

Sample Daily Diet Plan

Want to know what these look like in an actual three-meal-a-day routine? Here’s an example of a balanced Ultimate Triathlete Diet plan.


  • Blueberry Oatmeal
    2 cups dried oatmeal and 2 cups milk
  • 1 cup blueberries
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/4 cup slivered almonds


  • 1 cup low-fat cottage cheese
  • 1 sliced peach
  • 10 whole wheat crackers


  • Roasted veggie and turkey pita
    • 1 large whole wheat pita
    • 1 cup roasted red peppers
    • 1 cup sautéed or roasted zucchini (in ½ tablespoon olive oil)
    • 1/4 cup mozzarella cheese
    • 2 ounces turkey breast
  • 1 medium-sized baked sweet potato
  • 2 small fig cookies


  • Apples and 3 tablespoons of peanut butter

Training Session

  • Sports drink (16 ounces)


  • Pasta with veggies and meat sauce
    • 1 1/2 cups cooked whole grain spaghetti
    • 1 tbsp olive oil
    • 1 cup zucchini
    • 1 cup cherry tomatoes
    • 1 cup marinara sauce
    • 5 ounces 90/10 (ratio of meat to fat) ground beef


  • 30–40 grams of casein supplement shake

Keep in mind that your specific calorie needs will vary based on your height, weight, gender, training regimen, and metabolism. For competitive athletes who train at high intensity and over long distances, the need for carbohydrates and calories increases.

The Keto Diet

Many athletes follow or are curious about the ketogenic diet. While this diet can help some athletes lose body fat and reduce their dependence on carbohydrates, it’s not the magic panacea that many people think.


The ketogenic diet subverts traditional athletes’ macronutrient ratios. People on a ketogenic diet eat very little carbohydrate, moderate protein, and lots of fat. The goal is to get your body to switch from using carbohydrates as fuel to using fat as fuel.

In theory, this sounds ideal. Your body has more fat to use to produce energy, and if you can train it to use more fat, it’s better for performance, right?


Unfortunately, while the first part is true — you do switch to using more fat for fuel — the study didn’t show an improvement in performance. One study found that a 10-week ketogenic diet helped athletes lose weight and body fat, and they were able to make better use of fat as a fuel source.

However, there was a statistically significant decrease in fatigue time of 2 minutes. Other performance indicators also tend to have a negative impact, with athletes reporting that they can’t easily perform high-intensity sprints.

Another study of elite race walkers found that while the ketogenic diet increased fat oxidation, it also reduced the economics of exercise. In other words, it is difficult for athletes to reach the level of competition. Athletes also did not improve in the three-week intensive training program, while other dietary interventions (high-carbohydrate and regular diets) were faster.

Studies have shown that in the average healthy adult (not a competitive athlete), a ketogenic diet leads to a similar decline in performance. For example, a study in the journal Nutrition and Metabolism showed a decrease in PEAK AND PEAK POWER OF VO2 (OXYGEN CONTENT MEASURED IN THE BODY DURING HIGH-INTENSITY EXERCISE).

So is the ketogenic diet worth exploring? It’s a personal decision and only you can do it. While it may lead to weight loss and better body composition, it can also have a negative impact on performance. Remember, no matter which diet plan you follow, you want it to be something you can stick to for the long term.

Pre-Workout Nutrition

If you’ve determined your daily Ultimate Triathlete Diet, it’s time to start training and game day nutrition, starting with your pre-workout meals. Eating before a long workout not only satisfies your stomach and prevents hunger, but also replenishes your energy reserves. Try eating a pre-exercise meal that meets the following criteria:

  • Rich in easily digestible carbohydrates. For most athletes (probably except for those who adapt fat to ketogenic), eating high-carbohydrate foods before exercise can improve performance.
  • Moderate protein. You’ll eat more protein after your workout to recover.
  • Low in fat and low in fiber. If eaten while exercising, both foods can cause gastrointestinal upset.
  • Choose a time: Snack at least 60 minutes before your workout to prevent the risk of low-sugar collapse.

Sample Pre-Workout Meals

These options meet the criteria for high carb, medium protein, low fat, low fiber:

  • Bake waffles to top with fruit, maple syrup or honey
  • Bagel with cream cheese or peanut butter
  • Fruit smoothie
  • Fried sweet potatoes and scrambled eggs
  • Pasta with red sauce
  • Chicken and rice
  • Quinoa with poached eggs

Some researchers believe that carbohydrates with a lower glycemic index (carbohydrates raise blood sugar levels more slowly) are the most desirable. However, the review studies on this topic are inconclusive. It seems that the most important thing about pre-workout meals is to include carbohydrates, not necessarily the type of carbohydrates you choose. Also, don’t make too many changes from the way you eat and train to the time you eat on the day of the activity.

However, you do need to consider choosing the right carbohydrate for your digestive capacity. For example, many people are sensitive to the effects of fibers during exercise – the last thing you want is to flush into a mobile toilet halfway through. For many triathletes, it’s wise to avoid high-fiber fruits, vegetables, or whole grains before a big training or competition.

Meal Timing

During your training, you want to make sure you have enough energy, not just before high-intensity training. You may need to start replenishing your energy 24 to 48 hours before the simulated activity day and the activity day. Eating too close can cause gastrointestinal upset, while eating too far can leave you short of energy.

Of course, one to four hours before exercise is still a fairly large time frame. How do you know what works best for you? Practice is the best way to discover.

During training, try different foods and times to determine what’s best for you, which will both make your stomach comfortable and energized.

In general, the farther away you are from training time, the more foods you need to eat to replenish your energy. This situation also provides more flexibility for a wider variety of foods, as you will have more time to digest.

Eat an hour before a long run? Bagels with a little cream cheese may be a perfect choice for you. Eat four hours in advance? You might eat a big meal like mashed potatoes for breakfast and a fruit shake.

Fueling During Exercise

During a workout, your nutrition should focus on carbohydrates, hydration, and electrolytes.

Hydration and Electrolytes

For exercise that lasts less than an hour, drinking boiled water is fine. If you exercise for more than 60 to 90 minutes (or it’s hot outside), you’ll need to consume carbohydrates, fluids, and electrolytes — especially sodium. Although several electrolytes, including magnesium, are lost in sweat, the largest amount is sodium.

The rate of sweating and the rate of sodium loss vary from athlete to athlete. Studies have shown that high sodium loss in sweat can lead to a slight decrease in sodium levels in the blood. This, combined with fluid overload, may increase the risk of hyponatremia – a dangerous decline in blood sodium levels.

Rest assured, though, it’s easy to meet your sodium needs during a workout. You can drink commercial sports drinks instead of drinking water for long periods of time. You can also add bubble electrolyte tablets to water. Alternatively, you can drink water and use salt substitutes designed specifically for athletes.

Fuel Types and Timing

If you’re training for more than 60-90 minutes, you’ll also need to add some carbs to your workout. Your muscles are working hard to keep a steady flow of carbohydrates to give them the energy to continue doing so.

The goal is to exercise 30 to 60 grams of carbohydrates per hour. Replenish energy with a 6-8% carbohydrate solution every 15 min. You will consume 6 to 12 fl oz per hour. Although your body doesn’t need fuel yet, it helps to let carbohydrates flow steadily, get your digestive system used to handling fuel, and prolong the time before you hit a wall.

Fuel comes from a variety of sources, but must be rich in easily digestible carbohydrates. You can choose options that are made specifically for sports, or you can choose options that are generally available and will also meet your needs. For example:

  • Sports drinks
  • Gels
  • Shot blocks
  • Gummies
  • Raisins
  • Bananas
  • Fig bars

Here’s the thing: Let’s say you’re going to ride a bike for 3 hours. You might decide to eat a gel (15 grams of carbs per person) every 15 minutes, or 1/3 cup of raisins (38 grams of carbs) every hour. Either of these two options will allow you to burn at a rate of 30 to 60 grams per hour.

The only exception to this advice is for ketogenic athletes who adapt to fat. If you choose this way of eating, you probably don’t need to eat at this rate because your body can use more fat as fuel.

Post-Workout Nutrition

Proper restorative nutrition is a key part of the Ultimate Triathlete Diet. You’ll replenish the energy stores in your muscles and begin the muscle fiber repair process, both of which will help you reach the next stage at your best.

Remember, not every workout requires a lot of recovery meals. Sometimes, amateur athletes eat plenty of recovery meals after each workout, which can lead to excess calories and weight gain. Instead, focus on recovering meals and snacks after:

  • Long, moderate-intensity workouts lasting more than two hours
  • High-intensity workouts that last more than an hour
  • The first training, if you train twice a day and are a competitive athlete

Recovery Nutrients

In these three cases, consume carbohydrates and some protein within 30 – 60 minutes after the end of the workout. For best results, you can wait up to two hours, but ideally you’ll consume carbohydrates and protein as soon as you finish your workout. The amount of carbohydrates depends on your weight.

After 3.5 hours of training, the goal is to consume 1.2 grams of carbohydrates every 30 minutes per kilogram of body weight for optimal recovery.

For example, let’s say you weigh 72 kilograms (160 pounds). Based on the calculations above, this means that your goal is to consume 86 grams of carbs after a workout. This may seem like a lot, but it can easily fit into a post-workout meal. In addition to carbohydrates, most people should also consume 15 to 25 grams of protein.

Master athletes may recover more slowly than younger athletes, which may be due to problems with protein remodeling in muscles after exercise. Because of this, some researchers recommend that older athletes consume a little more protein (about 25 to 30 grams) after exercise.

Remember, for shorter periods of time, you don’t have to worry about these amounts. After a short workout, you can maximize recovery with a small amount of carbohydrate and protein snacks, for example, a glass of chocolate milk or Greek yogurt fruit.

A Word From GetHealthyPoint

There is no one-size-fits-all triathlon recipe for everyone. Your training plan, body type, genetic makeup, and food preferences are all unique. Following the basic principles of a healthy diet for athletes — such as eating plenty of nutritious natural foods and focusing on good pre-workout and recovery meals — will allow you to cross the finish line like a champion.

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