When to Throw Away Your Makeup

A dermatologist weighs when old cosmetics should be throw away and breaks them down according to each makeup and makeup tool.

Are you still using mascara you used last summer? Time to throw it away. The hot red lipstick you bought Chinese New Year’s Eve in 2017? You probably shouldn’t apply again. Just like the medicine in your medicine cabinet, your cosmetics have shelf life. Here’s our guide to tell you what you should keep, when you should throw it away and replace it.


Average life span: four to six months

Replace your mascara every four to six months, or once it starts to smell (think: burning plastic) and form more lumps than color, says Jeannette Graf, MD, a dermatologist with a large neck in New York. Don’t use eye products – formulas that contain bacteria can cause infections and infections. When you buy a new tube, do everything you can to protect it from bacteria. Close the mascara tightly after each use, avoid pumping in and out, and never share your mascara with anyone.


Average life span: one year

If the nib begins to ooze oily substance or form a white film, throw away your eyeliner immediately. Do not use eyeliner for more than 6 months, and if eyeliner thickens or smells like rotten roses, throw it away as soon as possible. There is almost no way to extend the life of a liquid formula, as the tip of the applicator is in constant contact with your eyes and can quickly become a breeding ground for bacteria. But you can scrape off the bacteria on your pencil by sharpening it every few days.

When to Throw Away Your Makeup
When to Throw Away Your Makeup


Average life span: one year

Most formulas, including liquids, creams and powdered milk powders, can be stored for up to a year if away from direct sunlight and heaters. However, once the liquid begins to separate, the cream begins to thicken, or the compact color has a rubbery flavor, it’s time to stir. To extend the life of the foundation, use a cotton swab when using the foundation. With a concise one? Wash the puffs or sponge every few weeks.


Average life span: one year

If you’re using a pan or stick recipe, you know it’s broken when it cracks or becomes hard and elastic. If your liquid concealer is loose, looks oily, and smells bad, it’s time to throw it away. Don’t put your hands on the jar or pan of concealer, tightening the lid can prevent it from spoiling before the end of the year.

Blush and eye shadow

Average life span: one to two years

The cream can be used for one year and the powder cream can be used for two years. If your powder turns into a white shell or starts to crack before this, throw it away. Dr. Graf said, “When the cream thickens, it tastes weird.” The same applies to other ways to extend life – with a cotton swab, tighten the lid and avoid high temperatures and sunlight. You can also protect the powders by keeping them dry and store them outside the bathroom as humidity can alter their texture.


Average life span: eight months

Unless it becomes sticky, smells like rubber, or no longer applies to your lips, you can safely use lipstick for at least 8 months. Of course, if lipstick comes into contact with cold sores or other types of infection, say goodbye to it.

Makeup brushes

Average life span: a year or longer, depending on the type

Natural hair brushes — the kind you use for powdered products — can be used for almost a lifetime if properly cared for. Wash them once a week with mild soap and warm water, then place them on a table to dry, with the brush head hanging on the side. Synthetic brushes for creams can only be used for about a year and need to be cleaned with alcohol-based detergent at least twice a week. Throw them away when they start to fall off, harden, or stop evenly coloring.

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